
Tuesday, 22 May 2018

How the Old Lady Made Water

I read a text called "How the Old Lady Made Water"

It was a sunny day and an old lady and her two sons were outside. The old lady told her two sons to stay away from the back garden. The boys promised not to go there.

After that they kept on playing with their ball. They continued playing when their mom told them that she was going to her friends house. The boys said OK and their mom went.

When the mum went to her friends house the boys went to get their bow and arrows that their mum got them. The two boys wanted to kill a lizard but there was nothing. 

One of the boys said I bet there is one at the back. So the two boys went to the back. They went to find a lizard. They both found one sitting on the forbidden place. They did not know it was forbidden. So they went over to the gate and took out their bow and arrows. They let go of the bow and arrows and then went to the lizard. The arrows missed the lizard and hit the leaf. The leaf was hit and a lot of water came.

The people were happy that there was water.
Image result for far as sea underwater GIF

Wednesday, 16 May 2018

Maori words

I have been on a maunga - (mountain)
You have seen a person eat kaimoana - (seafood)
She was on a boat to get to Te Moana o Raukawa - (Cook Strait)
My mum put it in her pataka - (larder,storeroom)

Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Road safty

When their are cars watch out because they can kill you.Hi my name is Tyresse and this is a video by me,my friend Diego,Nurul,Ocyan and frank.So sit down relax and enjoy what  this movie is about.

Friday, 11 May 2018

When we went to the Museum to look at anzac

When we went to the museum we first had to go on a bus with 7 teacher.There were 46 people on the bus with that 7 teacher.It was time.We got to go into the museum to see the cool things.

It was so cool I even saw a lego ship crack.We had to find a spot to sit down.The teachers had to toked to us about the rules.After all that
We walked up stars to get there. We had made it to the Anzac room.
We all had to sit down because this a room of all the soldiers
 Who had die in the war.I liked that room it.We had to get up and look at the things that was in this room.The teacher said they will let some of us people go to see some other things.                                     A few mins we all go to see the other things their were.      

What I saw was this.
I don`t even know what it is but I know that soldiers in the war used it.
We had looked at a lot of things that was in the war.They looked sick as to me.
All of us people were so happy that there were telephones and we did not even
know  there were telephones in their museum.
We all had to go in a ling which we got to see
a plain and other things.It was so cool.We got to see things that was in the war.

When we were moving we got to see what was happened.
I just noticed that we were in the 2 fool.I got sacred 
when I was in the second fool.We all looked down and 
we saw a lot of people that were in the museum.After all of that 
we had to move on and see other things.I had to caught up with the
other people that was in the ling.The teacher were walking with us 
to keep their eyes on us.      

We had made it to the end of the Anzac museum where we used to be.We walked down the stairs and had made it to where we were.After that I had looked around the place.I was stool in in the ling in the front.We were outside waling to the bus.We had stop because Miss Riley had told me to count how many people their was.I had counted 45 people in the ling.So I went back ad said to Miss Riley there are 45 people in the ling bu she said go back and count how many their are.So I when back again and their was 46 people in the ling.Then I went back again!! and had to tell her their was 46 people in the ling.After that we went to the bus and went back to school.A few mins it was time to get out of the bus and go to class and learn what we have to do.    


When this boy called Joe went to get his clothes he had seen a dinosaur egg.He knew straightaway that he was the first boy in the world to see a real live egg from millions of years ago.So he went to read books of about how to look after dinosaur eggs.He read and read and read.For a few minutes he had seen a real live dinosaur in his house.

He was so worry he thought he was going to get killed.He said to the dinosaur I'd rather give you my sister cupcakes.As it was Joe and the dinosaur were just together.The dinosaur was so happy he'd that he got to have his egg.The dinosaur was happy to learn what people do now and then.

Them the two had a talk about what they did a million years ago and this year.They were happy together and the dinosaur did not want to eat the kid up to peaces. The dinosaur loved eating Joe's sister's food because it was the best to eat.


So that is how the story had been on Finders keepers.Don`t forget
Losers weepers.

Wednesday, 9 May 2018

At the movies

Friday 4 May 2018


When-Friday 28 April 2018.
Where-At the Countdown,movies,home.
What-We went because we wanted to watch a movie.
Why-To get have some fresh air.
Who-My mum,Ariel,me,mums partner,

1:Getting food
2:Going to the movies                                      
3:Went back home

happy bored
 The movies was
     so cool
                                                Getting food

When the day was Friday the 4 of May at my mums and her partners house we got up at 10:00 and went to have breakfast.After that we cleaned up the house and put on some music to help us with.When we were done I played on my mums x-box at 11 somthink time.When it was 12:36 we went to go to the shop.We got,pop-corn,fizzy,bred,cake,chips.After all of the food that we got to get ready for the movies we finally went to the check out.When we were done we went to the park 


                           Going to movies
After that we went to the park to play and have fun to go see what there are at the beach.We went to the pools to swim and to get some fresh air so my mumcan be happy.A few hours later we to the movies.My mum and sister wanted to watch a A Wrinkle Time and me and my mums partner wanted to watch ready player one.We had to wait for a few min so the movies can start.We watch it and it was so cool, we like it.A few hours later it looked to me as it was all ready 10:00 in the morning.My favourite part was the boy who got the egg by the old man.

                                                         Time to go home
After we saw the boy get the egg my mum and sister had came to me and my 
mums partner to see the movie we were watching.When the movie ready player
one was done we went to go out of our chairs and to go outside of the movies.We 
went to go to see some shops and  to explore what was in the shop.When we saw 
subway  we went inside to have some think to eat.I even had a cookie with m and
m`s.It was the best day ever.After all of that we went to the car and went back 
home.I was so happy about what happened for where we went.


Wednesday, 2 May 2018

Reflections on term 2 goals

Reading:I have not achieved my goal because I was not being better that before.

Writing: I have achieved my goal by making it neat.

Math: I have achieved my math by learning my times tables at home.  

Tuesday, 1 May 2018

Words we don`t know in a book called Sports day

Magnetic:magnetic is a adjective word.Magnetic is a exhibiting or relating to magnetism.

Secure:secure is a adjective word the some people use.Secure is a fixed or fastened so as not to give way, become loose, or be lost.